Potato Peptone ET1



Potato Peptone ET1 is manufactured by a controlled enzymatic hydrolysis of potato proteins.


Fine cream powder.
Potato Peptone ET1 contains a mix of peptides and free amino acids.
Potato Peptone ET1 is manufactured with raw materials from vegetal origin only.
Potato Peptone ET1 is guaranteed “non GMO” according to the European Regulations 1829/2003 and 1830/2003.


Source of organic nitrogen and growth factors recommended in media for industrial fermentation.


The certificate of analysis and the sanitary certificate are supplied with each delivery.

Packing and storage

Standard packaging is 25kg Polyethylene bag in corrugated board box.
We also offer taylor-made packaging in transfer bags or single-use PE bags.
Hygroscopic product, keep in original packaging closed when not in use at room temperature in a dry area.

Need more information on this product ?

For any further question , you can reach us through our contact page.
You can also request a sample to evaluate its performance